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United States Air Force is the air and space warfare service branch of the United States. The H.A.W.X. squadron was one of its squadrons. Colonel David Crenshaw graduated from the Air Force Academy and flew with the 16th Fighter Squadron. After the squadron was disbanded, Crenshaw and his men joined Artemis Global Security, a private military corporation. After a contract given by Las Trinidad in Brazil, Artemis attacked the United States Navy's USS James Lawrence Carrier Strike Group, which caused the former H.A.W.X. squadron members to protect the carrier strike group and the squadron to be reformed within the Air Force.
Falcon Force was part of the 55th Wing and participated in the Sudan conflict.
- 16th Fighter Squadron
- 35th Fighter Squadron
- 425th
- Cougar Flight
- Hunter Flight
- Tiger Flight
- ISR, 55th Wing, 95th Reconnaissance Squadron
- 334th Air Expeditionary Wing (Part of JTF Sudan)
- H.A.W.X. squadron (24th Testing and Evaluation Squadron)
- Gargoyle Flight