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The Enhanced Reality System, or ERS, was a feature that allowed David Crenshaw to intercept an enemy aircraft, dodge a missile, or create a safe path through enemy territory with the help of paths represented by triangles on the plane's heads-up display using the on-board computer.
The ERS was part of Artemis Global Security's proprietary technology. The United States Air Force also used it. Crenshaw's ERS was subverted during Operation: Backfire.
Colonel Frank Ostreger's DDI also used ERS flight paths to fly through base defenses. The Firestorm satellite also used ERS flight paths for docking procedures.
- In the mobile version of Operation: Monarch, Crenshaw must follow an ERS path.
- Gameloft, the developer of the mobile version, also used ERS in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Shadow Vanguard for the soldiers.
- Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. (Console, mobile versions)
- Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. 2 (Console, Wii versions)