H.A.W.X Wiki
Derrick Wallace
Nationality USA American
Career information
Occupation Air Force Chief of Staff
Rank Major Major
Affiliations USAF United States Air Force
"We don't have many pilots left, but we have the HAWX. I want you to support the offensive and provide close air support to the forces on the ground. We've got your birds refueled and waiting on the ramp. Good luck and good hunting."
— Major Wallace to the H.A.W.X. squadron before Operation: Javelin

Major Derrick Wallace was the US Air Force Chief of Staff during the Artemis Global Security crisis in 2021. During Operation: Red Eagle, he rallied the ground defenses around the White House and ordered the H.A.W.X. squadron to fight back Artemis forces. He continued to brief the squadron for the duration of the crisis.
